
Monday, 21 March 2016

3 Symptoms to Identify Vitamin D Deficiency

3 Symptoms to Identify Vitamin D Deficiency

3 symptoms to identify vitamin d deficiency

Vitamin d deficiency is caused when your body does not get enough exposure to the sun that is the primary source of vitamin d for your body. It is crucial for the health of your bones, skin and neurological system, therefore, its deficiency may lead to a number of problems and risks such as rickets, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis etc.

Here is a list of four symptoms that can help you to identify if you suffer from a deficiency of vitamin d.

1. Bone pain and muscle weakness

Adults who suffer from a deficiency of vitamin d feel a lot of achiness and pain in the bones and muscles of their body. Also, they are troubled with joint stiffness and fatigue that lowers the overall quality of their life.

2. Fits of sadness and grief

Exposure to the sun (and hence, vitamin d) improves the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin in your body that is responsible for lifting your spirits. However, deficiency of vitamin d prevents you from having a more positive outlook towards life. So, another symptom that can help you identify that your body is deficient in vitamin d is that you've got a lot of blues.

3. A lot of head sweat

If your head sweats a lot, you can be assured that you suffer from an acute deficiency of vitamin d. Head sweating is another prominent symptom associated with vitamin d deficiency.

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