Side effects of copper T
This article gives you the information on side effects of using or wearing copper T. All these side effects are experienced and wade away with time. Exceptions are always there and so you should get this done with the help of an experienced medical professional. Read this article and know about the probabilities of side effects and how they can be treated.
Copper T is an effective contraceptive and is one of the most immensely used methods of birth control worldwide. The failure rate is considered only 1% and may be this is the reason why many women use this method to remain stress free.
Although this method is very effective and widely used, it comes with some side effects also. These side effects can be common as well as precise depending on the health of the woman as well. It is better to contact the doctor whether you and your body are in perfect condition for insertion of copper T.
Side effects of Copper T
Untimely Bleeding and Cramps
Many women have bleeding between the menstrual cycles after the insertion of copper T. Many women report about cramps occurring, which is usually different from that experienced during menstruation. Sometimes the cramps are unbearable and the woman feels worse.
The intramenstrual bleeding that occurs can subside after few months and is less than that experienced during periods. Simple pain killing medicines like ibuprofen can be taken when the cramps occur.
It is only in rare conditions that any woman is allergic to copper T and that is also because of the covering of copper on the IUD device. Usually itching and rashes are seen when someone is allergic to it. The device should be immediately removed under these circumstances and a non-copper IUD can be used instead.
Automatic Ejection
Expulsion of copper T is not usually seen and is rare. When it is pushed out of the uterus, the woman can get pregnant. Even if this expulsion occurs it goes unnoticed. So yearly check up is must after the insertion of copper T.
Cuts in the Uterus
In some women, it was seen that the device perforated the uterus and emergency removal had to be done. This is very rare and one should not worry about that beforehand. If discomfort is experienced, you can contact your doctor and consult or go for check up.
Chances of Miscarriage
While using copper T when any woman gets pregnant, the chances ofmiscarriage are very high. This happens because the egg gets fertilized elsewhere than the uterus wall resulting in lot of complications, which in turn outcomes in miscarriage. So, if pregnancy is suspected, the woman should immediately consult her doctor and get the copper T removed.
Dangers of Using Copper T
- Uterus gets pricked and if the copper T is not removed immediately it can move to other parts of the body. In this case the only solution left is surgical removal of the device.
- There can be infection in the tube and if not treated in time, it can be hazardous too.
- If a woman gets pregnant during wearing copper T has the risks of pregnancy outside the uterus. This is very dangerous and full of complications as well. In most cases it results in miscarriage if the device is not removed quickly.
- Women get pregnant while using copper T because many devices are expelled from the uterus and they come out. The woman is unaware as it is unnoticeable.
- Women should analyze whether they are allergic to copper T or not because this results in very serious problems.
- Heavy bleeding during periods and clotting between the periods are experienced for first few months. Some women continue with this problem for longer time also.
It is better to get examined before and after wearing copper T and consult freely with your doctor regarding the queries
Side effects of the IUD are limited primarily to the uterus and include:
It is also possible for the IUD to pass through (perforate) the uterine wall and enter the abdominal cavity, where it must be retrieved surgically. Perforation of or trauma to the uterus by the IUD occurs in 1/1,000 insertions.
What are warning signs and symptoms of possible complications from an IUD?
Warning signs of possible complications from an IUD include:
If a woman experiences any of these signs, she should contact her health care professional.
What are the types of IUDs (Paragard, Mirena, Skyla)?
The TCu380A (Paragard) is a copper-containing IUD. It releases copper from a copper wire that is wrapped around the base. The released copper contributes to an inflammatory reaction in the uterus that helps prevent fertilization of the egg. It is approved to remain in place for up to 10 years.Intrauterine devices (IUDs) that are available in the US come in two different types: 1) copper-releasing, or 2) progesterone-releasing.
- Levonorgestrel-releasing IUD (Mirena or Skyla): This form of IUD releases a progestin hormone from the vertical part of the T. Progestin acts to thicken cervical mucus, creating a barrier to sperm, as well as renders the lining of the uterus inhospitable to implantation of a pregnancy. The two brand named IUDs in this category contain different amounts of the hormone. Mirena is approved for up to five years of use, and Skyla for up to three years.
- An IUD may not be appropriate for women who have heavy menstrual bleeding, had previous pelvic infections, have more than one sexual partner, or plan on getting pregnant. This is because IUDs do not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STDs) and should not be in place if a woman intends to become pregnant.
- If women become pregnant with their IUDs in place, 50% of the pregnancies end in miscarriage.
- Women who use non-progesterone types of IUDs are less likely to have anectopic pregnancy compared to women using no contraception. When a woman using an IUD does become pregnant, the pregnancy is more likely to be ectopic, but still ectopic pregnancy in a user of an IUD is a rare occurrence.
- Serious complications due to infection associated with an IUD may prevent a woman from being able to become pregnant in the future.
- Also, with the progesterone-releasing IUDs (levonorgestrel IUDs), a reduction in menstrual flow and a decrease in painful menstrual cramping are often observed with continued use. This is because the progesterone hormone can cause thinning of the lining of the uterus. These menstrual changes are not dangerous in any way and do not mean that the contraceptive action of the IUD is diminished.
- source:
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